The Munich Strong Beer Festival offers some of the best tasting beer on the planet, and it's a roaring great party!
Next on: March/April 2021
To appreciate the Munich love of beer you just have to consider what locals call the "fifth season".
It’s the Starkbierzeit (Strong Beer Time), a three-week frenzy of early-spring stout swigging.
But these ain’t no ordinary suds.
Prepare your taste buds for a fortune of flavour, an abundance of aroma, a trove of textures: Munich Starkbier.
Festive: The Festsaal (festival hall) at Nockherberg. It's the main venue for the Starkbierfest (Munich Strong Beer Festival).
Beer halls and breweries host their own Starkbierfests across the city.
It’s a fabulous event where you have the supreme privilege of downing fresh, delicious brew that tastes like it was especially concocted just for you to drink on that specific day.
Above: Prost! Enjoying the fun at the Munich Strong Beer Fest
Rock on: The Paulaner Festsaal pumps up as the evening starts during the Munich Strong Beer Festival.
▪ Salvator - Paulaner-Brauerei
▪ Trimphator – Löwenbräu / Spaten-Brauerei, Munich
▪ Maximator – Augustiner-Brauerei, Munich
▪ Delicator – Hofbräuhaus, Munich
▪ Aviator – Airbräu, Munich Airport
▪ Multiplikator – Edelweißbrauerei, Odelzhausen
▪ Spekulator – Weissbräu Jodlbauer, Rotthalmünster
▪ Kulminator – EKU Actienbrauerei, Kulmbach
▪ Bambergator – Brauerei Fäßla, Bamberg
▪ Celebrator – Franz Inselkammer, Aying
▪ Rhönator – Rother-Bräu, Rothenberg ob der Tauber
▪ Suffikator – Bürgerbräu Röhm &Söhne, Bad Reichenhall
▪ Speziator – Brauerei S. Riegele
▪ Rariator – Münzbräu, Günzurg
▪ Honorator – Ingobräu, Ingolstadt
▪ Bavariator – Mülerbräu, Pfaffenhofen
Drink up: That's me getting a little too excitied and a Bavarian guest at the Starkbierfest (Munich Strong Beer Festival).
Like to see more photos of the Starkbierfest? Click forward!
Directions from the U-Bahn station to the Starkbierfest
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• See more photos of the Munich Strong Beer Festival here
Starkbierfest Photos.
• Find out more about the city's beer history at this page on Munich Beer.
• The Munich Spring Festival is the counterpart to the Munich Strong Beer Festival.
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