A guide to what's happening when at the Munich Oktoberfest
A couple in traditional clothing at the world-famous
beer festival.
The next Munich Oktoberfest runs from Saturday, September 20 to Sunday, October 5 in 2025, but what actually
happens when you're there?.
When am I allowed into the Oktoberfest tents? Is there anything special afoot on the days I'm going?
On what days can I see people in funny costumes and cannon shooting?
Patience, young grasshopper, here you'll find what you seek. It's the temporal guide to the 2025 Oktoberfest.
Opening times
During the week the beer tents open at 10am and on weekends and public holidays at 9am.
The tents close at 11.30pm, with the last drinks served at 10.30pm. Käfer's Wiesnschänke und das Weinzelt are the exceptions, they stay open until 1am with last drinks called at 12.30am.
The smaller tents Hühnerbratereien, Wurstimbisshallen and Cafezelte are all open until 11pm.
Oktoberfest day by day guide
Following the parade comes the Anstich, when Munich's lord mayor beats a tap into the first wooden keg of Oktoberfest beer. It's done in the Schottenhamel tent.
ITALIANS: A couple of Italian lads I met one year
at the Oktoberfest. I drew them a very
basic map of Munich's highlights.
The last day of Oktoberfest is marked by the Böllerschießen event around the steps of Bavaria Statue at midday.
It involves dozens of old lederhosen lads shooting hand cannons and ancient rifles, an address by the lord mayor and more gussied up brass musicians than you can poke a stick at.
In the dying moments of the festival the tents go dark and everyone lights up sparklers, magic! Then the fest winds up for another year at 11.30pm. Aus is!
Date: The third and final Monday, from midday
THAT SAYS IT ALL: "Aus is!" - the traditional Oktoberfest closing
proclamation, written on a lady's cleavage on the final day of the festival. ©DPA
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It's 227 pages of up-to-the-minute travel intelligence and it can be yours as an eBook for less than the price of an Oktoberfest beer. (read on)
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