Europe travel sites

EUROPE TRAVEL SITES: Here you'll find websites about the glorious historic stage we call Europe.

Germany travel sites

neuberg-germanyDAY TRIP: Yours truly on a visit to Neuberg an der Donau, Germany.

Greece travel sites

Portugal travel sites

Slovenia travel sites

ljubljana-castleOUTLOOK: The view from the castle in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Maribor Slovenia Travel Guide Amazing holiday experience in Maribor, a cute little European city. The city is a true jewel: world records, world-cup skiing and cycling, wine, spa and friendly people.

Russia travel sites

Meiringen-switzerlandELEMENTARY: Me with a statue of fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, where he finally met his maker in the town of Meiringen, Switzerland.

Do you like this site? Get the guidebook!

Destination-munich-ebookDestination Munich and Bavaria is the best, most up-to-date and entertaining travel guide to the region - guaranteed.
It gives you full-colour maps, practical information and top tips on how to get the most out of your visit.
It's 227 pages of up-to-the-minute travel intelligence and it can be yours as an eBook for less than the price of an Oktoberfest beer. (read on)

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