Kaltenberg picture gallery

KALTENBERG PICTURE GALLERY: I’ve put this gallery together to give you a bit more insight into the Knights Tournament (Kaltenberger Ritterspiele), Europe’s biggest Middle-Ages festival.

It’s another great reason to come and explore Munich and Bavaria in July. All the Kaltenberg pictures below are used with the permission of the Ritterspiele media office. Many thanks to them for putting me on their press list and making this gallery possible. Enjoy the medieval action!

joustingTETE-A-TETE: The Bavarian knight and the Black Knight meet in the jousting arena. Pic: Chris Gawron

acrobat-munich-kaltenbergFLYING: A performer at the "Gauklernacht" - Jesters' Night. Pic: Calogero Morello © Kaltenberger Ritterturnier

bavarian-kingHIS ROYAL LOWNESS: A joker leads his mini-king marionette through the grounds. Pic: Marcus Hoffmann

celtic-man-kaltenbergCELTIC UNITED:A man made up as a Celtic warrior. Pic: Chris Gawron

corvus-corax-kaltenbergTRADITIONALLY SCOTTISH?: Band Corvus Corax put a new slant on bagpipe music. Pic: Marcus Hoffmann

fire-show-kaltenbergFIRED UP: A fire-eater lets rip inside the arena. Pic: Chris Gawron

Gauklernacht-kaltenbergBLUEBIRD: A bird-like perfomer pulls a curious face. Pic: Calogero Morello

german-knightREADY FOR BATTLE: Knights get ready to make combat. Pic: Marcus Hoffmann

horse-riding-near-munich-kaltenbergFIRST RIDE: A young Kaltenberg visitor takes the saddle. Pic: Chris Gawron

full-metal-jacketFULL METAL JACKET: The fighters at the Middle Ages festival are armed and ready. Pic: Chris Gawron

barbarian-girlBARBARIAN GIRL: It's all part of the show at the knights' tournament. Pic: Marcus Hoffmann

sword-blacksmithMAKING BLADES: A blacksmith forges a sword at the Kaltenberg Knights' Tournament (Kaltenberger Ritterspiele). Pic: Chris Gawron

stunt-ridersBY THE SEAT OF HIS PANTS: The stunt riders are part of a French team called Cavalcade. Pic: Chris Gawron

pull-my-fingerPULL MY FINGER: Middle Ages men taunt each other over an arm wrestle. Pic: Chris Gawron

middle-ages-market-germanyGOT SANDALS?: Medieval merchants at the Middle-Ages market.
Pic: Marcus Hoffmann

the-black-knightTHE DARK SIDE: The roughish villian, the Black Knight.
Pic: Chris Gawron

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