Marstall Museum

Ever wondered how the kings of old used to roll?
Dozens of gilt-gold carriages and sleighs are assembled here into one of the impressive museums of its kind in the world.

FINESPUN FACES: Detail from the royal carriages and sleighs at the Marstall Museum.

Just think of all the work that went into these majestic pieces, some of which were used only once. A major drawcard is the coronation coach Karl Albrecht rode through the streets of Munich when he became emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1742.
It’s to the back of the first hall around the corner.
Royal sleighs show you how the Bavarian royal liked to get around the countryside in winter. The most impressive once belonged to the "Fairy Tale" King Ludwig II, whose tastes for all things beautiful were a tad more genteel than most.

ALL THAT GLITTERS: Karl Albrecht's coronation coach.

Check out his"Nymph sleigh"with a half-naked statue of a nymph holding up two lanterns to light the way. The museum houses a bridle and harness collection and painting of horses, including Ludwig II’s favourite mount, Gisela.
There’s also a camp little court merry-go-round with equipment for tournament exercises. The museum use to be known as the "Rich Remise" and housed the former stables of Nymphenburg Palace.

White gold

DELICATE: A figure at the Nymphenburg Porcelain Museum.
Above the Marstall Museum you’ll find the Nymphenburg Porcelain Museum(Porzellanmuseum).
All pieces were produced in the Nymphenburg Porzellanmanufaktur from 1747 to 1930.
Over 1000 items exhibit styles from rococo to Jugendstil.
Most famous among them is Franz Anton Bustelli’s Figur aus der Commedia dell’arte (Italian Comedians).



The Details
Location: The Marstall Museum is in the south wing of Nymphenburg Palace in Munich’s west.
Phone: 089 179 080

Open: Open daily April to October 15 from 9am to 6pm. From October 16 to March it's open from 10am to 4pm.

Everything at Nymphenburg is closed on January 1, Shrove Tuesday and December 24, 25 and 31.
Cost: Nymphenburg "combination tickets" cost 10€ (8€ concession) from April 1 to October 15. They cost 8€ (6€ concession) from October 16 to March 31.
This ticket gives you access to the palaces, the Marstallmuseum, the Nymphenburg Porcelain Museum and the park palaces mentioned above (the Amalienburg, Badenburg, Pagodenburg and Magdalenenklause).

To see the Marstall Museum and Nymphenburg Porcelain Museum alone it's 4€, concession 3€.

To Nymphenburg Palace, take any S-Bahn to Laim. Head to the left once you leave the station and it's a 20min walk along Wotan Strasse and left at Romansplatz (or you can take bus No 51 from Laim).

You can also take Tram No. 16 or 17 from outside the Hauptbahnhof (Main Train Station), or No 12 from Rotkreuzplatz (direction Romansplatz or Amalienburgstrasse).

See here for Munich transport maps.

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