Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview - page 5

MUNICH OKTOBERFEST 2013 PREVIEW - PAGE 5: Here are some more photos from the Oktoberfest in Munich. !

munich-oktoberfest-2013-guys-smokingYou can tell this photo is a couple of years old now because smoking has been banned inside Oktoberfest tents since 2010. Pic: grahammclellan

munich-oktoberfest-2013-waitressesA couple of waitresses on their way to work.
Pic: Michael Stamenov @ Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview

munich-oktoberfest-2013-daveActually no, but people can change. Pic: mahmut @ Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview

munich-oktoberfest-2013-dancingA bunch of Bavarians take a twirl on the dance floor.
Pic: digital cat  @ Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview

oktoberfest-photo-2013-hatThis is known as a "Seppl" hat and is almost compulsory headgear if you’re a
drunken lout at the fest. Pic: joestump

historic-oktoberfest-munichA huge group of traditionally dressed revellers enjoy the environs of the "historic" Oktoberfest tent. Pic: digital cat 

oktoberfest-2013-munich-bandA Bavarian band blows up a storm on stage. Pic: digital cat  @ Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview

munich-oktoberfest-2013-lederhosenLoitering around in Lederhosen. See, it doesn’t just look good on the fellas!
Pic: uLe @ Munich @ Munich Oktoberfest 2013 preview

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