Munich Oktoberfest preview - page 2

MUNICH OKTOBERFEST PREVIEW - PAGE 2: More lovely shots from the world's biggest beer fest!

munich-oktoberfest-2014-woman-dirndlA girl with a "magic" smile at the famous German beer festival.
Pic:Val-Mont @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

munich-oktoberfest-2014-lederhosen-bandFew foursomes look as authentically Bavarian as these guys in their lederhosen.
Pic: rodc

oktoberfest-2014-dirndlTwo ladies in their traditional "Dirndl" dresses on their way to the Oktoberfest.
Pic: eurobort @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

munich-oktoberfest-2014-buddiesProst! This group of buddies look like they’re enjoying themselves.
Pic: rodc @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

oktoberfest-waiterDinner time. Food at Oktoberfest is expensive, but hearty, and you may
just need some to settle your stomach before another beer!
Pic: Valerio Pillar @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

oktoberfest-munich-waitressesTwo waitresses haul out the next round of lovely Munich beer.
Pic: daviddap @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

oktoberfest-munich-girls-in-paradeHey there! These girls are in a cart on the way to the Oktoberfest grounds as part of the parade on the opening day of the festival. Pic: emdees @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

oktoberfest-parade-girlThis young lady is taking part in the Costume and Riflemen’s Procession. It’s a parade through the Munich streets to the Oktoberfest grounds on the second day of the festival.
Pic: juanpg @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

munich-oktobert-2014-guys-toastSmile guys, it’s a party! Pic: Zach Klein @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

munich-oktoberfest-fellasOktoberfest is all about friends, fun and getting absolutely pantsed.
Pic: uLe @ Munich @ Munich Oktoberfest preview

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