Munich transport maps

Know where you are with these Munich transport maps

Here are links to maps of the Munich transportation network. It's administered by the MVV (Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund). There's almost always a maps provided on the walls of train and subway stations, but it's a good idea to print out a few out or save them to your smartphone/tablet just in case.

You can check public transport schedules on the official website here.

The public transport maps you might need in the city are:


1. Suburban train and subway map - The most common (and useful) transport map showing the U-Bahn and S-Bahn routes. If you only have one transport map on hand while you're in Munich, make it this one!

2. Munich trams - This map shows where the trams go around Munich. As you can see, they all cross through the Main Train Station (Hauptbahnhof) / Karlsplatz axis.

3. Nightline map - Out for a late one? This map shows the tram and bus routes that service the city in the wee hours.

4. Nightline timetable (currently not available) - And here are the timetables for the night services. As you can see, you may have to change at Karlsplatz (the main interchange station) depending on where in the city you are.

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