Oktoberfest numbers

Here's a list of telephone numbers you may need to get you out of trouble on your visit to the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.


CALL ME: It doesn't hurt to come prepared with a few emergency numbers for Oktoberfest.
Pic: CC by aussiegall

Emergency help

Emergency car repair help (ADAC):
(0180) 222 222 2
Emergency medical help, red cross: (089) 50 22 22 22
Lost children's centre (Kinderfundstelle): (089) 233 30 296
Fire brigade: 112
Oktoberfest police station: 110 / (089) 500 32 20


Munich Airport information: (089) 97 52 13 13
Munich tourist office: (089) 233 96 500
Oktoberfest-press office: (089) 233 30-390 / -318
Tours of the Oktoberfest venue: (089) 23 23 900 / (089) 50 07 75 00
Oktoberfest post office: (089) 502 22376

Can't find something?

Lost-and-found office at the Oktoberfest: (089) 233 30298
Lost-and-found office - Fundbüro (general for Munich): (089) 233 00

Camp sites

Campingplatz Obermenzing: (089) 811 22 35
Campingplatz Thalkirchen: (089) 72 43 0808

Need a ride?

Taxis: (089) 21 61 0
Munich Public Transport office - MVV (Münchener Verkehrsverbund):
(089) 210 33 0

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